Affiliate Program
Effortlessly setup, monitor, & grow your affiliate and partner marketing channel.
Affiliate tracking software for Shopify merchants that sets up in minutes.
We help you setup, recruit and manage your affiliate, influencer & referral programs in minutes.
Effortlessly setup, monitor, & grow your affiliate and partner marketing channel.
Create impactful influencer campaigns & optimizing your marketing ROAS.
Effortlessly setup, monitor, & grow your affiliate and partner marketing channel.
We offer flexible commissions structures for affiliates, customer referral programs and influencer campaigns paired with automated payouts
Flexible commission structure for all programs
Help keep your affiliates paid on time
Using Kickbooster allows you to automate your affiliate recruitment and put your customer referral program on autopilot
Automatically track, approve & pay conversions attributed to your referral or affiliate programs.
Custom Affiliate Links
Dedicated Coupon Codes
Track Online & Offline Sales
Set Custom Cookie Duration
Track Non Cookie Conversions
“I use this app to drive huge traffic and sales to our website! It gives incentive to influencers, blogs, etc to share your product. It has been unreal for our business. Hands down, just install this now!”
Chris Livingston
Gravel Co-Founder
We have put together some commonly asked questions
Absolutely! New Shopify subscribers get 30 days on us.*
*Affiliate commissions earned during this time will still apply.
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time.
In the event of a cancellation, affiliate fees for any pending transactions will be invoiced accordingly. Learn more about our cancellation policy here.
It’s the income you earn from sales that are driven by your affiliates’ marketing efforts.
You can have your first affiliate program up and running in minutes. All YOU need to do is connect your store and choose your commission structure.
Kickbooster makes setting up your affiliate program a breeze.
Kickbooster takes care of all the payments to your affiliates, so you don’t have to. Simply pay one invoice, and we handle the rest.
Learn more about our billing process here.
Software solutions for eCommerce