How To Promote Your Crowdfunding Campaign on Instagram
Instagram is a giant in the social media and digital marketing world, and has been for several years now. The algorithm behind Instagram has made it addictive, fun to be on, and a place where almost all active companies now have no choice but to advertise on. Influencer marketing is the newest fad to take a hold of Instagram, which is one way that companies get their products endorsed by influential people on Instagram. The idea of using Instagram to promote your crowdfunding campaign is a great one, and if you do it right it can be very effective. Although in the past, Facebook advertisements have been the best for audience and exposure, the recent uptake in Instagram is the next big thing for marketing and advertising. Here are six ways to promote your crowdfunding campaign on Instagram.
1. Use your Profile Link, Everywhere
Link everything. The great thing with sites like Instagram is that the algorithm created by the minds behind the sites will make the user want to keep clicking, and digging deeper, and going from page to page. So, how do you keep them involved in your content? Easy, add a link. Put your profile link in your stories, in your posts, and everywhere you post outside of Instagram. If everything leads back to your Instagram profile, you will start to gain a larger following which will also popularize your account. You can also refer people back to the link in your bio when you post. Make sure your profile is tip top if you do this though!
2. Hashtag Everything
Hashtags are not exactly new on the scene when it comes to social media engagement, but they are easy to neglect and forget when posting. Jack Beaton, a project manager at Bestbritishessays and OX Essays, commented, “Although there are ways for people to find your posts that don’t involve hashtags, they are the easiest way for people to stumble across your content.” You can add anywhere up to thirty hashtags onto a post, and they will become how people find your content. So make sure you don’t forget the hashtag.
3. Be Quick with Replying to Interaction
Interaction is crucial on an Instagram account. Without interaction, people are just looking at some nice photos and occasionally reading a caption. If people like a post, like one back. If someone comments, like the comment and reply straight away. If you wait hours or days to interact back they will most likely either forget who you were or have moved on in their mind or interests. If someone sends direct messages to you, respond! All of these key points of interaction will improve visibility and make your account look active too.
4. Harness the Power of the Story
It may sound overdramatic, but there is nothing more powerful than a story. Nothing. Instagram stories are no different. You can use location tags, profile tags, links to websites and other accounts, and lots of different other accessories to bulk up your look. The image that a story presents for an organization is that they are active, live, and want to engage with their audience. Stories are a powerful tool, so don’t forget about them.
5. Try out Instagram Live Video Streaming
Live Stream, from Facebook Live to Instagram Live, has a similar effect all around. Live video allows interaction in real time with people who are engaging with your content. The great thing about Instagram is that it notifies people as soon as anyone of their ‘following’ starts a live video. This encourages people to click on the notification and open up your live video (and hopefully engage). Live streaming is great because it is real-time engagement, rather than delayed engagement through comments or DMs.
6. Make Sure Your Profile has All the Correct Information
Your profile needs to be the perfect mix and representation of your campaign and what you stand for. Jessica Ridley, a business writer at Eliteassignmenthelp and Uktopwriters, noted, “It is important to not overwhelm your profile with information, because no one will bother to read something that is just a numbers dump or looks too involved.” However, don’t make it all fluffy, or no one will engage because they will think that it’s just waffle. Balance out your profile with all the right information.
Christina Lee is a social media strategist at Custom essay and Big Assignments. She writes about marketing news and technologies for such services, as Study demic.