How to Get Press Coverage for Your Ecommerce Store

The Story
The simple fact that you have an ecommerce store is not enough to pique the media’s interest. They need to understand why your store is unique and why they should care.
Media outlets see hundreds of requests for coverage every week, so you need to make it crystal clear why they should consider your request— and you need to do it quickly.
Media outlets and their writers do not have time to go digging for information about your store, so it’s important to make it easy for them to understand what it’s all about and lay out the facts in an objective and reader-friendly way. One of the best ways to communicate this information is through a press release.
A press release is an official document that is created by you for members of the media. It is used to deliver information, provide a statement, or make an announcement. A press release should be brief and to the point so the recipient can easily digest it, but detailed enough that it does not require further research to understand the information that is being presented.
The Ask
Your press release (or any information about your ecommerce store) needs to be accompanied by an ask. In other words, you need to provide context for your intended recipient about why you are contacting them.
Ideally, this wouldn’t be the first time your media contact is hearing from you. Your ask is much more likely to be accepted if you’ve made the effort to build rapport and establish a relationship before you request coverage.
You can kick off your introduction to them by:
- Following them on social media
- Commenting on their published work
- Emailing/calling to ask if they are open to receiving pitches
- If they are local, asking to meet for coffee or attending events where there is an opportunity to connect
- Leveraging your network for an introduction or referral
In reality, you don’t always have the runway to build these solid relationships. If this is the case and you have to cold email your contacts, we recommend approaching them with a message like this:
Hi [contact name],
My name is [your name] and I am the [your role] at [your organization]. I read your work on [details about written work] and was really impressed with [something nice about their writing].
I am reaching out to you because I want to tell you about my ecommerce store, [store name], and thought your readers might be interested to learn about [store details]. I decided to create [store name], because [problem your products solve] and figured you could probably relate given [contact’s and/or reader’s specific pain point].
I am wondering if you would be open to collaborating on a story for your readers? As a successful [contact’s job title], I can appreciate how busy you must be. I have attached a press release to this email outlining the details of my store for you to review at your convenience.
I also wanted to let you know about the referral program I am running to help promote my store. If you’re interested in writing about [store name] I can get you set up with a custom referral link. If one of your readers purchases from my store after clicking on your custom link, I’ll give you [commission rate] of the purchase to say thanks for helping me spread the word!
Let me know if this is something you’re interested in, and if I can provide any additional information.
Thanks for your time, I hope to hear from you soon!
[your name]
To break it down, the key points you’ll want to include are:
- Who you are and why you’re contacting them (the ask)
- A brief overview of your store/products (the story)
- How your products relate to your contact and their readers
- What’s in it for them (the offer)
The Offer
Content creators are often looking for ways to monetize their content, so they will sometimes charge a fee in exchange for coverage. Many produce content on a full-time basis, so it is only fair that they are compensated for their efforts.
However, sponsoring stories can be expensive and offer no guarantee of a return on your investment.
Creating a referral program and inviting members of the media to participate in it is a scalable and low-risk way to pump up your ecommerce store's marketing.
Referral marketing is structured with a pay-for-performance model, meaning you only pay a commission on referrals that lead to successful purchases. This also means that your media partners won’t get paid unless their content helps send traffic to your store that actually converts.
Referral Marketing Is Mutually Beneficial For Two Reasons:
- Your media partners have unlimited earning potential. The more purchases they help you secure, the more they get paid. Your partners are highly incentivized to produce converting content and promote your store to their audience.
- Your marketing cost is only applied after you have received a successful purchase, so your cost-to-conversion ratio is 1:1. In addition, your cost is a percentage of the purchase you receive, so you don’t have to pay upfront or out of pocket. This makes your referral program a marketing strategy with virtually zero risk.
Kickbooster’s referral marketing tool makes it easy to set up a referral program in minutes, and provides a custom signup page for your media partners to visit to get their unique referral link. To begin setting up your referral program, click here.
Key Takeaways
Working with the media to promote your ecommerce store can be a very effective way to tap into highly engaged and niche audiences. It can be challenging to get the attention of the media, but it is definitely worth the effort.
Presenting an intriguing story, a clear ask, and an attractive offer can significantly increase your chances of capturing the media’s attention.
Writing a press release and offering a referral program are key components of a compelling media outreach strategy that work to improve the likelihood of getting your project centre stage.